I remember the wonder of the department stores in Seattle! Yes, bush town Seattle! Sea port, busy waterfront, thriving, one of a kind shops busy with business. The department stores had many floors each one stuffed with goods, if not there, you did not need it. Parallel with Macy's types were mail order which supplied rural needs. Rural for me was eastern Washington, small town of Pomeroy, 1800 on the city limit sign. We used the Sears-Roebuck and Monkey-Wards catalogs for wish books!
Segue to today where stupifying taxes and covid fear have ruined everything. Walmart and Amazon have made it hard for the local store owners who simply either cannot compete or are unable to fill the niche for their community. Sam Walton started in a repurposed building in a very small town in northwest Arkansas. His business model was get stuff the people actually used or wanted at the lowest price possible. Amazon launch was even more bush league beginning in a residential garage selling books over the internet at low prices.
There are so many contrived pressures on free enterprise today it makes it difficullt to stay in business. Many of these pressures are tolerated because of public ignorance. Some of the pressures against success are from within businesses from poor and uninspired leadership and poor management at the top levels. These are a result, in my opinion, of higher education and the false premise of success a result of specialized education like MBA degrees.