You know what they say, (Just like riding a bike) you don't forget.
Kind of funny: I usually drive a manual transmission truck but today took the one with automatic transmission. At every stop light for a while I would want to push in the non- existent clutch.
(1970's) I borrowed a nurse's big Chevy one evening to take the patients from a psych hosp. in Mass out for ice cream.
I drove a VW bug.
At the first stop light I put all the passengers under the dash board or rear floor....when I put that 'clutch' to the floor.
Once we finished screaming and laughing I got out and let the manic/depressive lawyer behind the wheel.
It only got more entertaining because he was just entering his manic phase! I've never laughed so hard at a Friendly's.
Anyway - I kinda envy Viper, don't you?