I have checked the valves three times on my Like 150i. The first time I did not remove the floorboards which made access to the valves very difficult. I was able to check all the clearances this way but could not have adjusted the valves if needed. Then I pinched the valve cover gasket and had an oil leak. So I removed the floorboards which was a real PITA. I re checked the valves (they were all in spec at 1000 miles) and put everything back together. The next valve check was due at 5,000 miles but I waited until over 11,000 miles. They needed adjustment but weren't so far out as to cause issues.
Sorry I don't have a tutorial. I just winged it and I doubt I did it the best way. Getting that floorboard is a real PITA but after it is off you can remove a metal cross brace that blocks getting the valve cover off. The valve adjustment itself is easy.
I thought I remembered reading that it was this difficult - but didn't want to scare anybody off.
This is the kind of thing which would cause
me to not buy this scooter. Plenty of people buy "difficult" scooters (PCX owners).
I'm too OCD about maintenance - and too old to tackle difficult maint. - so, I move on and buy something else.
(I research maintenance before buying these days --- bought Piaggio maint. download, $8, before buying the Liberty. Valves looked easy - & they were.)
Thank you for posting, klaviator!
It is a great scooter - by all reports, otherwise.