I recently purchased an accessory from Nolan-USA for my new Nolan helmet. I purchased the helmet from The Netherlands because
no one in N.America carries the helmet which I wanted in my XXXL size.
This week I received an email from the U.S. distributor which I feel is exaggerating the danger to me and so causing needless worry - because I purchased my helmet from Europe. It is exactly the same helmet sold and certified here in the USA - only one size larger than is available here.*
"Yes", I understand that if I have a warranty issue, or if it doesn't fit - I must pay for return shipping to Holland.
I've been wearing a Nolan modular helmet for years - so I know their quality and - most importantly! - how they fit my bigdam head!
I love the new helmet - but now it seems even helmets have become fodder for alarmists!
* I spoke last evening with a tech from a trusted web source to confirm this.