I've got a little over 1200 miles on my and I've never had a "clunk" why accelerating or decelerating. Other than the occasional pop'ing from the exhaust during the acceleration. I've never heard another noise.
Maybe try to take a video of it so we can better understand your term "clunk" ?
Darn it...ya, a video wouldnt really show anything.
Its just a little bump that happens after get I it up over 40-50 and it slows back down...right when the RPM indicator drops off 3000 at about 22 mph. I can feel it in my feet...Just one light "clunk"...seems like the faster i slow down the harder it is.
I know some clutches have an extra set of springs that fling open the feet off the bell, but that would happen every time and not just after its wound up...plus i dont think id feel that. We're talking a few thousandths of an inch of movement...hmmm
Really disappointed you haven't felt it.
Theres another guy here that describes the exact same condition and i was SOOO hoping its a normal function of the bike.
Thanks for replying