Some of you don't take you scooter in the house?
I'm calling the SSPCS!!!!!
True story (yeah, sad I have to clarify it)...I sold my 2000 Anniversary blue GL1500 to a guy that lives about 40 miles from me. He was frantic after we made the deal, afraid I would sell it to someone else while waiting for his money transfer (required 3 days). My reassurances matter not. 1 week after he picked up the bike, he shows up at my work. Security called and I cleared him through. He parks at a side entrance and had his wife as pillion. He was just profusely thanking me. He had added several more farkles.
My co-workers watched in amazement. I turned to look his wife in the eyes and asked "Is it bad as it looks?" She replied yes.
I said "I guess he now knows that it won't fit through the doors?". She burst out laughing so hard and he turned red.
She replied "Yes, he knows, after measuring it multiple times. But he still tried to twist and turn it everyway he could to force it!!!!"