I am planning to attend a moto camping event near Paris Landing SP in Tennessee in May. With the weather keeping me indoors most of the time I decided to plot a Journey from my home to the first stop, an Army Corps of Engineer campground in Carlyle, IL and then plot a second Journey from there to the campground near the SP. All using Noodoe navigation. I plotted 2 Journeys since one is for the first day and the other for the second day of travel.
The first Journey plotted exactly as I expected with no issues and the plot of the route when I zoom in or out tracks just where I wanted it to. I only really needed 5 waypoints for this one but I added a few more to plot where my gas stops and lunch stop would be. Easier riding when I know how far to those stops and Noodoe navigation will tell me that if I set the waypoint for it.
The second Journey only needed 2 points, the starting point at the overnight campground and the final destination. But here is where I had a slight problem, easily fixed. When I set the 2 waypoints for this second Journey Noodoe mapping allowed me to do so without any issue. But when I tried to show the track I got the message that the "scooter is unable to access waypoint 2" which was the final waypoint in Tennessee. That was a puzzle. So I changed the waypoint to a business nearby and got the same message when I tried to show the track. Then I added another waypoint in between those 2 that was somewhere along the intended route in Kentucky since I was going to be passing through western KY. I again got the same error message only it still said my scooter cannot access waypoint "2" which was now the KY waypoint and then didn't bother to tell me about any other waypoint further along the route.
So I was thinking maybe there was something in the Navigation Info settings that I needed to change. I don't know why I thought that since nothing there should keep me from navigating to any waypoint. But when I went into the Navigation Info settings I just happened to look at the list of States I had downloaded into Noodoe. I had Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana all downloaded but not Kentucky and Tennessee or other states west or south of there. Then a light lit up in my mind. Doh! I have to have the area where I want to travel downloaded to be able to travel there. So I downloaded the missing States and a few more while I was there.
Then I returned to the Journey I had saved for the second day of travel and there was no message and the track of my route showed up just as I was expecting.
Moral of the story. Just need to make sure all the States (areas) where I want to travel are downloaded to Noodoe Navigation Info settings and all will work out.