The Downtown had one switch bad when I bought it with 11,000 miles on it. The second went bad shortly afterward and of course the bike wouldn't crank. The Grandvista had 10,000 miles on it when the first switch stopped working. It's a ten minute job to replace it on the GV: one screw to remove it and two push-on connectors. I don't recall whether the Downtown had any plastic to remove to get at the switches. I gotta give credit to MJR on our forum, or Mike the Master as I call him, the brilliant mechanic who repaired the switches on the Downtown. I watched and learned how to do it watching him.
The generic starter relay on ebay at $12 is a perfect fit and has been working perfectly. I also bought a generic starter motor for $36, just in case. Let's face it, there probably will be a day when we can't get parts from Kymco for our older bikes.