for me, my low miles is due to my suffering health, and many of my miles were just going to a doctors appointment. I did go on 2 short trips, a visit to my alma mater for the annual Sugarbush pancake breakfast was about 750 miles on my AK550, and Labor Day weekend I went to my brother's maybe 500 miles that weekend. nothing big on my K-Pipe like '22 when I had a 200 mile day to the summit of Mount Washington
I started another hobby as well, chainsaw milling, rented an excavator for a month in prime riding weather
I always thought when I retired I would ride more, not sure what happened, when I was working, and using my bike as a company vehicle, by 2004, I had 135k on my '99 SV650 that's an average of 27k/yr, I know I did close to 40k one year, most of the miles I could claim on my taxes, don't remember the exact amount, but close to a $20k deduction
Can't do that anymore, and the GSA rate that the IRS allows is up to 65ยข/mile now