Just a note: MOST vehicle speedometers are offset from actual. It's a percentage so how many mph it is off by should vary by how fast you are actually going. Less if the actual mph is slower and more if the actual mph is faster.
Cars are usually, on average, 3-6% offset from actual and motorcycles/scooters are, on average, up to 10-11% offset from actual. But always faster than actual. Manufacturers would be in serious legal trouble if any speedo showed slower than actual speed. My Subaru Legacy is spot on with a GPS and my Rav4 as well as my AK 550 are both 5.5% offset. My Burgman 650 was 10% or 11% offset depending on the tires. My CTX1300 was spot on with my GPS device. GPS devices are typically 0.3% offset from actual... so essentially accurate with an insignificant deviation.