My daughter's $.02, "Mom, probably the 'central highlands' thing?"
No, not having PTSD, I just like riding in the rain at night. And yeah - wet's not a problem for me.
Conditions looking good this morning at 5:45AM~!
Fresh edge lines are very handy on rides like this! But there were places where the center & edge lines disappeared - which is why I ride well known roads in these conditions with not much concern.
Can't image riding a poorly marked unknown rural road at night in the rain at anything more than 35MPH.
Was meditating as I rode along this morning - rain clicking off my helmet....."this scooter is 12 years old. You keep pushing rain rides and winter rides....Someday it is going to quit on you - electrical issue probably - out here in the dark. Just hope it's not 19°F when it does!"