Why a high performance plug? What is a high performance plug? someone says a high perf plug doesn foul as easily. A too warm or too cold reading on your plug is the result of carb setting. Adjust the carb, not the plug. A fouling plug, on a two stroke, is generally the result of too rich, in gas, carb setting, or too much oil in the gas. Once broken in, a two stroke, especially small ones, needs less oil. I used to run my old 2 stroke lawn boy with a 50:1 mix even though they recommended à 32:1 mix. Running this way, the little two stroker ran smoothly for 38 years. Never fouled a plug. In the end, a crankshaft oil seal gave out and it was the end of it. No lack of lubrication here. Back in the seventies, yeah i'm that old, my 125cc 2 stroke kawasaki used to foul plugs quite easily. Usually right after starting a cold engine while mixture was still rich. I leaned out the oil pump as much as I could. Plugs lasted much longer without fouling and the engine ran much smoother. The engine on that thing went for a good 20 000 miles before everything else broke on the bike. I think going to a ''high'' perf plug just bypasses the real problem. Fuel, air and oil mixture.