I was cursing the Kymco engineers first time I tried this! I came to this forum and asked about it and Zombie suggested putting a cinch strap over/through the frame somehow to pull the rear suspension down enough to get clearance. It worked.
I will say though that finding just the right way to put the strap on and get it cinched down took quite a while and wasn't easy. I put strap over frame near top rear shock mounts and wrap one end round and round the rear wheel/tire near the top of the wheel, then hook the two ends of the strap together and start cinching till the shocks compress a certain amount. You will still have to monkey with the cover as it comes up and out. It'll want to hang up on the cam chain but once past that should come on out.
I think ts1's suggestions would be just as good if not better.
Edit to add: Say, if you had a cycle work stand/lift you could use two tie downs on the rear going down to the rear tie down points and just pull the rear down. Or if you had a trailer or anything with stationary tie down points do the same thing there.
I broke one of the bolts by overtightening when putting back on! It didn't take much. Thankfully the broken piece stayed attatched to the head by a thread and screwed out by hand.
Further edit/addition: Also remove coil and place forward out of the way -- no need to disconnect wires. Also remove one nut holding thermostat so you can push it and it's hose out of the way as cover comes out.