I just bought a new agility 50 at a dealership and i was told that i should wait till 500 km on the odometer to derestrict it. does this make any difference to the engine's life span? and what is the most cost effective way to get more top end speed and better acceleration?
Some folk say to run it in but others say theres no need. Mine had 5000-6000km on it when i got it and was still restricted, now has 22,000-23,000km on it and runs as good as new, prob better in fact. Think Wordslinger derestricted his almost as soon as he got it and that had around 45,000-50,000km on it when it gave up so..............I would prob put the 500km on it quickly then derestrict it then if thats what the dealer said, cos otherwise he may say you went against his advice and try void your warranty.
Also if you want to keep the warranty i think you need to have it serviced and de-resrestricted by the dealer, anyone else works on it voids the warranty usually. Up to you, you prob end up paying more over the warranty period doing this than if you were to forget the warranty and do your own servicing and work. That is unless you get a major fault, ie engine failure or something.
This link tells you how to derestrict etc anyway, worth reading ever if the dealer is doing it just so you know what he is doing,