Trailered the DT300i and the Like 200i to Flaming Gorge Reservoir and then rode the scoots to the Flaming Gorge Dam. Good roads just for two wheels and great sights, plenty of hills and curves. Round trip about 120 miles. Took a gallon can for extending the range of the Like. Rode I-80 from Green River to Rawlins to see the old Frontier Penitentiary. Took the two gallon can and still had to buy gas and got stuck with 10% Ethanol. Mileage really suffered with the Ethanol and the headwind. The Like really is limited to 55-60 mph which is fine for most travel but it has no reserve for hills or wind. This is NOT a big deal for us since we are pleased with its overall performance. Trying to maintain 55-60 on a freeway just magnifies its limitations. Oh, yeah, we went the Interstate (freeway) since there is no complete "skinny road" for that trip. US 30 is co-located with I-80 so I think that was the original road between these towns. Having a great time here and plan to ride to Russelville, KY after we get home to western Tennessee, about 360 miles round trip. By the way, I did have to make a "flyer" to Rock Springs, WY after our Rawlins trip for a grocery run, about 12 miles. The DT had no trouble maintaining 70 mph over hill and dale and headwind! Had some construction and everyone had to slow a bit.
Blue Skies!