Have you ever read the stickers which are placed on your LIKE?
They are either buried or tiny - or both.
The sticker on the wall of the seat bucket says to adjust our valve lash to .06 mm +/- .02 mm (ie: .04 mm > .08 mm)
.06 mm = .00236" (I don't have one of those blades)
.07 mm = .0025" (nope)
.08 mm = .0031" (I have a .003 , I can do this one!)
One on-line manual says to set them to .10 mm (= .0039 "
Most of us have been doing that, setting them to .004 inches (= .1016 mm)
A lot of people say to use .004" for a Gy6 engine.
The sticker on my scoot says I should be adjusting my valve lash to, between .00157" > .0031" which is a bit tighter than my customary .004.
Ah, me.