G'day John.
Congrats on the new bike man. I reckon you should be pretty happy with it. Mine's just coming up to 10,000 ks now and she's running rock solid. All of those ks have been out on decent rides, no commuting at all. As I've always said ... she's taking me where all the big bikes are going, and she'll happily do the speed limit, so what more do you want ? What, with dag nam mobile speed cameras and such ... I rest my case !
Anyway, just use you're noggin and be nice to her, remember she's a 250 ...repeat, 250, not a friggin 850 etc, and you'll be right. It cracks me up when I read about people going and buying a 250 cruiser, and expect to go a 1000 miles an hour.
Take care, and ride safe Amigo.
Regards, Hairy Bob.