Wow!!! Man, that is scarey. The funny part is the beer can that fell out of the van. idiots!! Sad to see the Vino got messed up. I'm sure you were raging.
Hopefully they can match up the print. ::)
I was mad until I saw that they'd dumped the Vino out of the van before making a hasty retreat, sure. Once I saw that I still had the bike, I was 99% relieved. I honestly think I just need to re-position the mirror/controls bracket on the left side, and all will be jiggy.
Hopefully, these punks have been arrested before, and they'll have prints on file. I was kinda surprised the cops were willing to do a little investigatory work... MNPD is notorious for being lax on non-violent crime investigation. Maybe they were bored, Tuesday night. :)