Oh NO, If the starter does tha it means the entire scooter is no good at all. I'll give ya $20.00 for it if you ship it out!!! Just kidding man, it.s wonderful you got it going. I tend to rush breakin time, so I think common sense is most important. Keep your rpm's low to mid for the first 45 Min. to an hour. Make sure your carb is tuned right in these lower ranges. Vary your speed, NO power take off's, and take all the plastics back off to check the torque on ALL the nut's/ bolts/ fittings involved. Once you are SURE nothing is going to fall off, cruise it around a little more (30-40 Min.) and start hitting the throttle a LITTLE. Look for smoothness throught the range of the throttle. At this point you will start to look for carb tuning issues. There are LOTS of posts here dealing with this. I would suggest getting the carb as close as you can before any extended full throttle bursts (30 seconds or so). By this time you should have 2 hours +,-, so I would once again tear it down to Re-adjust the valves, check your torque, and go for a little ride. I believe it is VERY important to vary the rpm's so as not to let the new parts wear in at a set point! The piston and rings will settle in quickly, but the valve train will take some time, so I would check the adjustment once again around 20 hours. This is ALL my OPINION! It's what I do. Perhaps some others on the forum have more info, or advice... At any rate it is GREAT to hear you are scoot'in.