Thanks Tom for the reply. Don´t worry. Every input from you or the community is welcome and worth to be considered.
That´s why I am asking the infinite creative pool here.
No need for editing the original post.
I can handle the truth.
I totally agree with you on the first point you made. But how could this be managed best. Putting it on a selfie stick that is mounted sideways behind me to the crash bars? Left or right? Or somehow and somewhere near the Topbox? Left or right or center? And what about a good back view mounting position?
It should be mounted not too low in order to catch most of the scenery but also in an angle that it´s capable of catching some of the helmet, the scooter and or the dashboard. Or just with a cheststrap? Not ideal with a windshield. And what´s with all the swinging movements and vibrations then?
I also understand the criticallity of too much chat in videos. Some words here and there maybe are quit o.k. I guess, but too much bored talking might become annoying, that´s right. It always depends on the intention and purpose of the video.
If you had planned a instructors video for scooter riders for example, the explanations would for sure be the "a and o" of it.
And I am sure that some of you have already given this topic some thoughts and how to solve it best way possible. And with which accessiores.
That´s why I am asking. And I have already seen a few action cam videos on motorcycles.
I am looking for the golden cut, so to say.
What do Hollywood Hills say here?