OK, that's it for the lights...
Twentyseven blue-fairies degrees this morning.
After 3.5 hrs I was .....chilly but still smiling down the road on a scooter!.
(torso was fine - under T-shirt, long sleeved shirt, wind-breaker, ICON leather armored jacket with quilted liner, hi vis water=proof highway worker's jacker with fleece lining. This last item is THE best for keeping the cold out, at 50mph. Oh, yes, battery heated glove liners. Could not do it without those heated liners under leather gauntlets! Rain pants over kevlar Sliders with the CE pads in place. Leather boots. Scarf and balaclava.) Folks in my coffee village don't even bat an eye any longer. Weird goofy scooter rider never takes his helmet off and sits outside with his coffee!