That is a super bad bike. I cant even call it a scoot! Is it some type of street version factory race bike? Even the wheels are awesome. What do they go for$$$?
It's all the cool stuff we can't get!!!
I've read alot about Jad's too Haven't seen any Clear picts tho. Thanks for the link. The Scorp. was avail. last year on some other posts, but the only shops listed were vt, ans scooter alley. I've called/emailed,... And the real point was they are made in the Ph, and Hawaii is just adding to the cost. I'll try to find the guy who knows the guy who makes them, and maybe you know someone who might know someone who knows the guy. WOW!
I'd gladly have one made if it were the original guy. Thanks Bro!
Hey Slinger... Any word on the 9?