Author Topic: Why My Yamaha is Serviced by the KYMCO Dealer  (Read 2804 times)


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Why My Yamaha is Serviced by the KYMCO Dealer
« on: April 12, 2008, 06:51:04 PM »
If you know me from other forums you've heard this tale before. If you own or work in a shop you will want to read this as well. The smallest jobs can lead to a loyal customer.

First, just so you understand I am all about customer service. I will pay a little bit more to be treated as I feel a paying customer should be treated. I like a business that knows me by name and doesn't object to me dropping in just to chat once in awhile. That said, on to my story.

When I bought my Vino from a pawn shop it came with a brand new tire, unmounted. I quite naturally called the local Yamaha dealer and told him that I had just a acquired a new (to me) '01 Vino and had a tire that I needed mounted and how much would it cost if I carried the wheel in. I was told (much to my surprise) that they, "only mounted tires that they sold." I explained to them that it was a stock tire from another dealer and still had his and Yamaha's stock number stickers on it. I was than told that, "I could understand (No, I can't!) why they didn't want to do it because it was such a pain to do." The man than suggested that I come down and buy a set of tire irons that they sold and do it myself because, "it wasn't very hard." Me, to myself, "Hmmm, I've missed something in that logic. It's a pain for you, but it's easy for me?"

I than called Honda (My previous scooter was a Honda.) and got the same answer. I worked my way through the phone book with similar results. I was about to give up when I saw a small display ad for a shop that I had been in before just to browse, but never had any dealings with. I said to myself, "Self, your probably wasting your time but...." So I called them and their response was, "Sure, it'll be about $10." Since I had been willing to pay up to $25 (In the past Honda charged me $20 plus parts to replace the tube.) that sounded like a bargain.

I think the actual cost was $13 (.2 of an hour) and it took about 20 minutes, but still a bargain. While I was waiting I told them the tale you've just read. They nonchalantly said, "Yeah, well we like to help out when we can." I asked if they were willing to work on a Vino or did they just do Kymco's? (They're a Kymco dealer.) When they told me they would work on any brand I told them that they were now my scooter shop and picked up a bunch of their business cards.

If you're ever in Austin and need scooter or motorcycle help I can, without reservation recommend:

TJ's Cycle
6208 North Lamar
Austin, TX 78752
512-453-6255 - 800-570-4079

I have now spent over $1000 at TJ's and there's a GrandVista in my future. ;D Wonder how the Yamaha dealer would feel if he knew how much his short sightedness has cost him? ;)
Wanna be GrandVista rider

Inside every old person is a young person wondering,
"What the heck happened?"


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Re: Why My Yamaha is Serviced by the KYMCO Dealer
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2008, 03:34:46 AM »
I think some busineses get to comfortable with thier success or something.  Sounds like you have a great dealer.  I'm sure you willbwin them even more business.  Can't beat marketing by a happy customer.


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Re: Why My Yamaha is Serviced by the KYMCO Dealer
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2008, 02:50:20 PM »
I've noticed that this is a common attitude here with businesses owned by native Texans. This is just an opinion of course, but remember Texas is only about 100 years away from the frontier days. In those days there was one general store in town and you either did business there or did without. Hence the attirude. (mispelling intentional ;D)

I know for a fact that I've already sent them another Vino owner who was unhappy with the way he was being treated.

I'm a big history fan. ::)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 04:21:51 PM by OldGuy »
Wanna be GrandVista rider

Inside every old person is a young person wondering,
"What the heck happened?"


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Re: Why My Yamaha is Serviced by the KYMCO Dealer
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2008, 01:28:19 AM »
Oldguy: You are very fortunate to have a dealer/repair shop like that. I wished we had one around here in the Denver/Littleton area. I had a 300km check up and less than 2 qts of oil changed for a $160 bucks and I had pointed out a noisy front wheel bearing (dry) and they never touched it, plus they left a nice ding in my front grill paint job (no extra charge for that) ! I guess if you can find a compotent shop you are very lucky! Oldhummer


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Re: Why My Yamaha is Serviced by the KYMCO Dealer
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2008, 01:03:42 PM »
For the  Folks  up  here in  New  England. Devon  Lane  Kymco  in  Belchertown  Ma  is  very  similar..Mom &  POP ,actually  the  cousins  and  inlaws  too
« Last Edit: May 25, 2008, 01:15:13 PM by olbull »
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Re: Why My Yamaha is Serviced by the KYMCO Dealer
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2008, 03:18:29 AM »
I too will travel and talk up a good shop for customer service.  In my case, I was tempted to buy a scooter from the local scooter shop.  I couldn't pass on the kindness of my local Yamaha dealer selling Kymco's!  So ... lucky me I get to save a grand and am treated pretty nicely. 
If you're in NYC and are looking for a Kymco scooter, stop by Prospect Cycles.

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