If you know me from other forums you've heard this tale before. If you own or work in a shop you will want to read this as well. The smallest jobs can lead to a loyal customer.
First, just so you understand I am all about customer service. I will pay a little bit more to be treated as I feel a paying customer should be treated. I like a business that knows me by name and doesn't object to me dropping in just to chat once in awhile. That said, on to my story.
When I bought my Vino from a pawn shop it came with a brand new tire, unmounted. I quite naturally called the local Yamaha dealer and told him that I had just a acquired a new (to me) '01 Vino and had a tire that I needed mounted and how much would it cost if I carried the wheel in. I was told (much to my surprise) that they, "only mounted tires that they sold." I explained to them that it was a stock tire from another dealer and still had his and Yamaha's stock number stickers on it. I was than told that, "I could understand (No, I can't!) why they didn't want to do it because it was such a pain to do." The man than suggested that I come down and buy a set of tire irons that they sold and do it myself because, "it wasn't very hard." Me, to myself, "Hmmm, I've missed something in that logic. It's a pain for you, but it's easy for me?"
I than called Honda (My previous scooter was a Honda.) and got the same answer. I worked my way through the phone book with similar results. I was about to give up when I saw a small display ad for a shop that I had been in before just to browse, but never had any dealings with. I said to myself, "Self, your probably wasting your time but...." So I called them and their response was, "Sure, it'll be about $10." Since I had been willing to pay up to $25 (In the past Honda charged me $20 plus parts to replace the tube.) that sounded like a bargain.
I think the actual cost was $13 (.2 of an hour) and it took about 20 minutes, but still a bargain. While I was waiting I told them the tale you've just read. They nonchalantly said, "Yeah, well we like to help out when we can." I asked if they were willing to work on a Vino or did they just do Kymco's? (They're a Kymco dealer.) When they told me they would work on any brand I told them that they were now my scooter shop and picked up a bunch of their business cards.
If you're ever in Austin and need scooter or motorcycle help I can, without reservation recommend:
TJ's Cycle
6208 North Lamar
Austin, TX 78752
512-453-6255 - 800-570-4079
http://www.tjs-cycle.com/I have now spent over $1000 at TJ's and there's a GrandVista in my future.

Wonder how the Yamaha dealer would feel if he knew how much his short sightedness has cost him?