Hated to do it...but took my final ride of the season today, about 20 miles...before prepping the scoot for the long winter nap. Filled the tank with ethanol free fuel, added stabilizer, drained the carb bowl and did an oil change. Did a final wipe down with detail spray and covered her up with a soft, fleece blanket. Only thing I didn't do was pull the plug and fog the cylinder, like I have the other years. I think it will survive just fine.
The ride today was nice. I forgot how much wind (leg) protection a scooter gives you. It was in the upper 40's today and I wan't cold at all. Hoping to get another 2-3 weeks out of my motorcycle before I put her away for the season, too.
Then it's youtube motorcycle videos and scooter and bike forums to get me through to Spring.
Anyone else in the cold weather states call it a season, yet?