If you're reading this and you're thinking about purchasing a Kymco machine, and you live in the rural west, be prepared for long drives or long delays in getting parts.....crazy by today's standards. The only option for parts is through a dealer and they come can come and go. We had one in Billings but he doesn't carry Kymco any more so now its 3-4 hour drive for parts. Also, some dealers will drop ship and others won't....
Some other things I've learned and would like to pass along to other Newbies to the Kymco world:
The excellent cyclepedia.com service manual has a link when you're listing parts. That link takes you to kymcousa site and then directs you to a dealer. This parts link will have a different list of dealers then if you are on the "find a dealer" link with kymcousa.com Also, if you're making a list of parts using this online parts ordering function of the manual, which is pretty handy, one step will be entering your VIN number. THIS IS CASE SENSITIVE, MUST USE UPPER CASE LETTERS OR IT WON'T WORK!! Took me awhile to figure that one out.
If anyone knows differently, please share...anything that would help with this parts availability would be greatly appreciated!