Just read that the French have laws regarding riders - and hi viz.
It is an 11 Euro fine if a rider is stopped for a spot check and does not have a hi viz vest in his possession.
As for
actually wearing a hi viz vest - the rider will be fined 135 Euros if he is not wearing it after a road-side break down (As you're high-siding though the French countryside - be thinking:
"Je dois retourner à la veste avant l’arrivée de l’ambulance!" ("Gotta get back to the vest before the ambulance arrives!")
The rider regulations also require gloves (wearing them , I hope), reflectives on 4 sides of the helmet, a bulb set, 2 breathalyzers and a Pear Tree.
You probably aren't required to demonstrate that you can install the bulbs - but you will need to produce them for the officer,
"Oui, juste ici!" ("Yep, right here!")
The French love to enforce rider safety.