Author Topic: NSR ~ we meet Great Smoky Mountain bear family  (Read 123 times)

Stig / Major Tom

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NSR ~ we meet Great Smoky Mountain bear family
« on: August 03, 2020, 05:24:51 PM »
Took a walk in the S.M. state park yesterday. On a dog friendly trail. Ranger said, "almost no bears here". True enough.

Arriving back at our cabin we find largish mother bear next to our porch exploring our trash bags.
Apparently the 'bear-proof latch' on the outdoor metal trash chest wasn't much of a test for her after all.
She slowly backed away, and over the rail fence, into the dense trees when I used the car horn on her.
 several times.

Daughter and wife scampered into the cabin while I drove the pup to the top of the mountain for a safe place for us to wee. Called my daughter, no answer - left message, "do NOT let your mother go out to clean that up until I get back!"
20 mins later I return to find the women high-5ing each other in the kitchen, laughing hysterically and drinking wine! "THAT was SO dumb!"
I had to agree.

Daughter, 'Armed' with dust pan and broom -- wife  standing guard with a spray can of Lysol.
They cleaned up the mess until the bear let out a mighty growl....only yards away in the trees. She was half way up a tree 10yrds from our cabin....with her two little ones sleeping on branches just above her.

I took some good pix of them just outside the bedroom window.
I stuck my head out the window and made some dog barking noises.... and they slowly climbed down and disappeared up into the hillside.

I called the office, "Yep, there be bears around you. Don't play with them."

Being the man, I have to take the dog out at bedtime.
Daughter asked where I keep my scooter keys at home, "you know - just in cases."

« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 05:27:39 PM by Stig / Major Tom »
Boston Strong
Rural Ohio

And, I'm feeling a little peculiar.

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