In to town with my daughter recently. Walked into the coffee shop to carry out our order.
Fellow sitting nearby had an expensive looking black helmet on his small table.
I asked,
"excuse me, what are you riding?""A BMW."
"Ah, I just ride scooters", I said.
He spun around his small laptop and showed me a photo of his BMW - "it's a scooter, too!" he said, smiling. I think he said it was a was white.
"Tom! - Large with cream and a caramello for the daughter, yes?" bellowed Dino over the heads of 2 customers in front of me.
BMW guy looked at me questioningly - "
Yeah, I ride my scooter here a lot of mornings before sunrise. - This time of day he knows I'm here with my daughter."
Another nice German vehicle pulled up next to us. Older couple went across to the Winds for lunch.
My daughter was facing it when they pulled up - she said "that's a pretty one of those Olympic cars."
I looked around, but never found the BMW guy's scooter. Town was pretty crowded.