www.lawrev.state.nj.us/title39/t39M120604.pdf39A:11-LR7. Restrictions on lamps; emergency warning lights
a. A lighted lamp or illuminating device on a motor vehicle other than a
headlamp, spot lamp or auxiliary driving lamp which projects a beam of light of an
intensity greater than 300 candlepower shall be directed so that no part of the beam will
strike the level of the roadway on which the vehicle stands at a distance of more than 75
feet from the vehicle.
b. Flashing lights are prohibited on motor vehicles, motorcycles and motor-drawn
vehicles except to indicate a right or left turn; but a vehicle may be equipped with lamps
approved by the Commissioner to warn the operators of other vehicles of the presence of
a traffic hazard requiring unusual care in approaching,...
In NJ, I believe that motorcycle inspections are a thing of the past. They have also changed the law about having an escort rider when riding on a permit. And, I have been told that the licensing exam is being eliminated so that you must go through instructions where the instructors can approve your license. That's the way I did it.