I was just thinking a new Kymco 550AK cost as much as the new car I purchased in 1988. The discount offered on new trucks before the pandemic was about the same amount as I paid for a new GMC truck in 1994. I feel sorry for the young people who will inherit all this debt.
Compare your salary in '88 & '94 to the salaries now for a closer/more fair comparison. I still agree with you that about our national debt!!!!
Both my sons are making at least 4X what I was making then. The one that didn't go to college is making 20k/yr more than the one that went to college.
But their house notes are about the same % of their salaries as what I was paying of my salary.
The one that makes the most has the least, don't ya know?
Back to People's Bank. We closed our account there years ago. Now I'm wondering if they still had our info/data that was taken in that hack. I'll be watching the mailbox for a few days now....