Author Topic: 2012 xc450 443 cc seems to come out of gear  (Read 532 times)


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2012 xc450 443 cc seems to come out of gear
« on: May 20, 2021, 10:20:59 PM »

I have a 2012 xc450.. or should say maxxer had it for 4 years bought it with 350 miles and has 4000 miles currently. early on had trouble with shredding belts ..local shop sold me parts for primary and belts that I tore up in a couple hundred miles or less..then I discovered clocking the secondary..problem when I ride for awhile get it warmed up and get up to full speed it seems to jump out of gear..hits rev limiter and then it will engage..sometimes it wont engage and I stop its better at slow speed..seems if I kept it at 20 miles an hour I would never notice this.. so I pulled the wet clutch out and it doesnt look that worn..I bought a new on as well as a new housing shaft..waiting on the gasket now.. I am concerned that it wasn't the wet clutch at all time will tell .. What do you thing fellows ?

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