Helmet is XXXL large like my previous Nolan - and fit is very snug.
I feel well-protected in there!
It IS lighter than the previous one - and I do not feel it catching in the wind as much*.
(when storing away the old helmet into the new helmet's carton - it barely fit!)
Ventilation is good and it's easier to open and close the 2 vents.
Most noticeable thing was how clear the face visor is!
Never realized how many tiny scratches my old helmet has picked up while riding.
Quiet?....all my helmets are quiet because I always ride with 3M yellow foam ear-plugs in!
Hope to ride into the horizon with this equipment : the Liberty & LIKE200i; new helmet, new boots, new armored pants, hi viz armored jackets and leather ICON gloves.
* since I never ride more than 40mph - not much wind resistance going on anyway