Had stuff to do so I took a little rain ride to local Tim Horton's for coffee and a dounut.
Set my helmet and gloves under the umbrella on their patio table, and went inside where I found myself behind 7 or 8 African-American fellows....all about my age.
Seems this is their reg. Fri morning get-together.
They were having fun, quietly grab-a__ing with each other.
I heard several ask for "dark roast".
One guy was paying for the bunch....and the oldest member turned to me and said,
"This man is bigger than all of us - let him up here*!" to the ordering counter. He told me that since they'd made me wait so long that they were buying my order.
The girl at the register didn't hear this, so she asked, "Are you with them?"
I had a moment of brilliance and replied loud enough for the gang to hear, "Yes ma'am - they call me "Light Roast!"
....the guy nearest me turned to the others and said, "D'you hear that?
he said "they call me light roast'!"I waited a heart-beat or two....with my back to them.....but then they all broke out laughing like crazy!
outside, thinking - "wish I had a gang of friends like that!"
*In my boots, I'm a solid 6'4.5"