My daughter popped home from shopping and said, "Padre', get your gas can and hop in the truck - there's a lady with a Vespa on Fountain ave that needs help!"
Coming home my daughter saw a young lady pushing her red Vespa along the street. She rolled down her window and asked if she needed help.
Lady said she is pretty sure she's run her new scooter out of gas.
She was quite a ways from a gas station so my daughter told her that she could be back with a can of gas in less than 20 mins if she didn't mind waiting.
The gal said OK.
We found her resting in a front yard, scoot parked on the sidewalk.
Looking at my old plastic gas can...she told me that she was advised to only use "good gas" in her new Vespa - I assured her that my can of Shell Nitro 93 octane IS the good stuff.
I gave he several seconds of gas. It took a bit of cranking for it to reach her injector - but it fired up nicely.
She was tired and wanted to head home - so she thanked me after trying to pay me. And off she went. Pretty red Vespa...maybe a 150?
She said she bought it in Cincinnati...which is about 60 miles away.
She was wearing a helmet - but short-shorts and a sleeveless blouse with sneakers.
Did I get a picture?....of an attractive young gal in white short-shorts..on her red scooter?
Not if you knew my daughter.
Still, it was nice to be able to assist a fellow scooter rider.