i prefer the left hand lanes if on a divided four lane street. so, closest to the center line. i am more comfortable there at intersections, also.
i ride in any lane up to 45mph speed limit. if traffic looks like its moving fast in the furthest left lane, i will stay out of it. my scooter is perfect to find a spot behind a motorist going 55mph, and just cruise. so it doesn't have to be a rocket out there to keep up
just outside my door is a divided 6 lane i ride all the time. its posted limit is 40mph in most places, 45mph in one long stretch. i have no problem being in any lane, but if traffic is moving fast i'll mix it up. usually, its not moving fast
i find myself to be a lane changer. scooting is fun, and for me thats part of the fun. my scooter is out front. and if its not, its getting there
so i would say i ride in all lanes