Well, I bought my Yager for $1900 with only 107 miles on it, so got a killer deal. The reason why is the older gentleman that had it dumped it over in gravel trying to turn, slow speed, so it scratched the upper and lower plastic, $184 shipped for both. I did end up getting a new brake lever also, even though it had minor scratches.
So today I took apart the whole front end. I took some pictures, but not when I had the lower skirts off of each side, which I did. Many screws in the front end, here are a couple of pictures so that others can reference, I can tell you exactly how to do it, the service manual sucks.
I just wanted to show some pictures for reference, you can see how to get to the headlight bulb, which requires you to remove the whole upper plastic and windshield, there is also another shield like unit behind the windshield.
Now my machine is like new, not a scratch on it. Thought about keeping the other plastic, but I hate crap laying around. Could try sanding it down and painting, I have the air compressor and spray guns, but I don't plan on dumping it anytime soon lol.