It's been several weeks since Urbestfriend got hit by the deer and I've worked a little every evening to get everything back up to speed. The new rear wheel I ended up getting was silver instead of black. My first ride around the neighborhood last week and everything was just fine. This weekend, I removed the front wheel, including the two rotors and speed sensor cage. Everything was marked LH / RH. Put it all back together. The outside axle spacer on the left has the flange and the right slightly longer doesn't per the manual. There is no evidence of a bent fork or any damage from the wreck. I disassembled the pads from the LH Caliper and everthing is OK. The issue is when I tighten the allen screw on the bottom front of the left fork, the whole wheel tightens against the caliper. This is
the clamp to keep the axle tight.
I ground the upper outside nub on the inside of the caliper because this is where the rubbing first was and it scratched the rotor. Just now went a short way and you can hear it rub. Remember everything was fine on the ride last week.
Anybody care to offer a comment ?