As others have said, its easier to see if you shine a flashlight at the reserve tank 'window'. If you still cant see, take off the right side vent cover. It has two screws and snaps in. Once you get the two screws out, just start from the top of the vent cover and start pulling. With it off, you'll be able to see the entire reserve tank. To fill, I just got a clean funnel with a tube on it. Just reach in, pull off the rubber cap, and insert the tube of a funnel. Theres a little door on the outer plastic piece where your right knee would go that you should be able to pop off... but I got a screwdriver and tried prying it off and it didnt want to go. I was worried about it breaking, cracking, or scratching, so I just went with the way that I mentioned. I use the Honda 50/50 premix for my coolant. Theres not measuring and mixing, just pour it in.