My new GMaxGM68S helmet arrived yesterday. This helmet is ultra cool and it saved my life. It is the exact duplicate of the helmet I was wearing the night I crashed and hit the asphalt face first. It has 7 vents and is cool in the summer. It has a red strobe light in the back that can be set from a steady beam to blinking to fast blinking. I bought the XL sixe first because that is what my Fulmer 3/4 is. It was way to tight so I sent it back and got the 2XL which was still a little snug but I noticed it was starting to feel less tight as time went on so that's what I ordered again. All for $64.95 at Jafrum International in Charlotte, N.C. Everyone else had their's for $121.00 "on sale".
I've ordered a lot of safety apparel from Jafrum and you can't beat their price and service. Next on my list is a new pair of Vegas boots because half the sole has been shredded off of my current pair.
By the way the helmet is in Pearl White, the exact color of my Xciting.
Be safe friends! Mike