Hey Partyhut, wow that's a weird name. But even with that name, welcome to the forum. I beat you on age, 74. In the last 3 years, I've had my uretor (I know you are familiar with it) unsuccessfully blasted, then resected (some cut off) and 3 bladder surgeries all for cancer I thought but the second time it was just a piece of my prostate floating so no cancer that time but the same surgery. I don't mind the surgeries, after all, I slept thru them. However, I'm sure you'll agree that the recoveries are a bitch. In March I'll have the first post op 3 month exam which as you know is another bitch. Amazing how they can stick something so big into such a small hole. But I rode yesterday for about an hour even thou it is too cold. I'll keep riding and hope for a clear exam for you and me and all the others. I guess there are a lot of people out there who go through it but keep on riding. Good luck.
Richard L