I had a friend with 2 plugs in the front tire of his Hayabusa motorcycle for over a year and a half. The guy would go over 130mph on the thing all the time between Charlotte NC and Columbia SC with no problems..
I sure as hell wouldn't do that but it held up.
From MSF tire guide:
http://www.msf-usa.org/downloads/MIC_Tire_Guide_2012V1.pdf"Fortunately, blowouts are uncommon and generally preventable, especially with modern, tubeless tire technology. If a tire is punctured,
it might be possible to patch it, but repairs should be considered a
temporary measure at best, and speeds should be kept low. Some
manufacturers advise against repairing holes more than ¼†in diameter,
repairing radial tires or any punctures in the sidewall, or using liquid
sealants. Speeds should not exceed 50 mph for the first 24 hours after
the repair and the repaired tire should never be used over 80 mph. Motorcycle tires experience tremendous sideways forces and deformation
when cornering, which can cause patches to flex and fail."
I have been riding since I was 16, my mc was my daily rider in San Diego for three years, have taken extended trips into Mexico, once took a June July August cross country trip, and have not had so much as a slow leak from a tire. That said an emergency plug/co2 kit may have been prudent.