My Mrs. thinks I should get a windscreen for my LIKE.
It will keep me warmer, etc. as I ride to work in the dark this winter in Ohio.
Well, I'm not crazy about the old geek-look of the blasted things -
I'll look like a middle-aged Englishman on a '60's Vespa going for meat pies at the local pub, or some darned thing.....Rather than my current look of a seriously middle-aged American on a flaming blue & white Kymco LX with sparkling chrome crash bars going for donuts and coffee at Tim's.
See the difference?
On scooters, self image is important.
Also, I frquently encounter high, gusting winds when crossing the dam at the reservoir - and I do not like the sensation I get as I'm buffeted around on my scooter. Each time this happens I think what this would be like if I did have a wind-screen on my scooter. I sure wouldn't want any more buffeting than I'm already getting.
So, is side wind buffeting an issue with wind-screens on a LIKE 200i?
Thanks, Stig