The people were prepared for the disaster... it's the government that was not prepared for this disaster... this is the result of corruption in government... What happened after the typhoon? Meetings? press conferences? what? The Americans were the first to act because they have an automatic response system when disaster strikes!!!... Geez, we cannot even respond quickly to a fire!!! damn!! I'm mad!!! fire trucks no gas, hydrants broken, pumps broken...Fire volunteers have more modern equipment and training... Now, donations from 30 countries are coming in... another opportunity to steal!... 
it's not all that bad vivo… preparations have been made as well as they can be… it just really is beyond imagination -the typhoon…
anyway, the israelis were first to activate before the americans…
and the neighboring risk reduction councils were well on the ground prior…
anyway, i'm here now, will post pics when i get back to manila either later tonight or tomorrow...