The bags were on the bike when I bought it, and even without the bags, removable rear seat makes a perfect carry location. With any motorcycle I own, I set it up to do what I want with it, which will be a practical machine with touring ability. That goes with scooters, and I've toured on my 250 and 400 scooters with room to spare.
I put my feet on the floor where they belong, not some shiftable load, and I carry things where the bike was designed to carry them.
Again, I've been doing this for over 30 years. 25 of them on motorcycle, having gotten into scooters 5 or so years ago. When I'm going to haul a load I refuse to do it in any manner that's not safe or legal, and I don't suggest unsafe actions to others on the internet.
We may be comparing apples to oranges? I'm talking about hauling equipment 10's-1000's of miles, not 1/2 mile from the hardware store?