Hi all,
Newbie to bikes in general... got a 2005 zx50 with 16000 KM on it about 2 months ago... when I first got it, it would give me 43 mph and it was great...
then one day, I had to go about 10 miles away for an employee training session... another girl from my job was there, and her ride didn't show up... i jokingly offered to let her ride on the back of the scooter, and well, open mouth insert foot, she took me up on it...
i weigh 230, she was about 150...
So after this epic ride, maybe a day later, i hit a bump and suddenly it won't go more than 10 MPH... I got to work, worked my shift, and afterward the bike was normal again, like it fixed itself...
So this happens every time I hit a bump for a few days, til I do some research and get the idea that my CDI is going bonkers...
Took the panels off the bike, found the CDI checked all the connections, found nothing obviously wrong, and put it back together.
The problem where it slowed down after hitting a bump was gone, but now the bike won't go above 25mph until I've been riding about 10 or 15 minutes, and after that I can get 30, but no more...
Not sure what to do at this point.
Sorry for the long post. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.