Hey Stig, PM me your address, I might throw in some back issues for you in the mail this Christmas....
Hey Vivo,
That's a great and kind offer -- but it has to be quid pro quo.....
My son works at Taco Bell.....so, pick anything you want up to $10 from the drive-thru menu.
(you can re-heat in a micro-wave oven and the flavor suffers only minimally!)
Or, I have a fist full of Tim Horton donut coupons?
Seriously, you got family - Xmas is coming. You can't keep giving everyone a coconut with your likeness painted on it every year. You're gonna have to spend some dineros.
Maybe this winter we can work a trade for something you want from Ohio. Corn, or a new milk cow, or....wait - I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who sells TV's & video games out of his Subaru.
You be thinking of something you might want, OK?
Thanks, Stig
(4 degrees they say tonight - frozen snow melt on the roads which I can't see before sunrise - so the LIKE stays parked. Read that 'cold weather' note from the guy who has his scooter in the kitchen? He can't be married.)