Riding home last night on truck route 1 & 9 North bound, temps are cool, in the teens. I'm riding comfortable behind this box truck doing 40 MPH at a nice safe distance (maybe the only thing that saved me).
So we had a bright sunny day and the truck route is at the bottom of a big hill so we get puddles, some of them big. As all the traffic hits this huge puddle (that I have yet to see) it spreds the water out along the roadway, which rapidly turns to ice.
As the box truck clears the puddle I see this stretch of ice pan out in front of me, with only a second or 2 to react I let off the gas, drop me feet to 1" above the surface of the roadway and say "Holy crap, ICE!"
I'm not a big believer in God but for that second it couldn't hurt to make a quick request.
I coasted through the ice zone without a slip or slide. Whew! Man that was a scary moment!