Impressive miles! It's a totally different game when you use 2 wheels to replace 4 vs it being a weekend or summer time toy. If you lived near san diego I would gladly pay you to change my tires.
Some people like me ask why change your own...
But, I got 2 flats in the past three years. That gets expensive
Thanks, but it's easy to do when you avoid driving.
Well, that and a couple 10 day cross country vacations on bike and a lot of 500-1000 mile weekends..
But just as you mentioned, it's all about price. My tires, between the scooters and motorcycles average about $100 each and a couple are tube type, so there's an additional $20 cost of a tube to add in there..
And there's one other issue that's caused me to change my own. Bad dealerships. Most are excellent, but I've had a bad experience and know others who have had the same. So instead I learned the process from others who do the same. And I've passed the information and process onto others.
I have no idea who my local Kymco dealer might be, and where I used to have an amazing BMW dealer within 15 miles, after they retired, my closest dealer is now about 2 hours away. So I do my own service on everything.
Don't tell anyone, but I looked at my Kymco People service manual tonight.