That is actually what I do w/ customer bikes... Throw out all the screws.
For mine I looked at how the panels related to each other. Usually one will cover access to a screw on another. Once I determined which were the important fasteners I scratched up the back of the panels, and fiberglass taped them together into ONE body shell. One or two screws in the front, and one or two 10mm bolts in the back.
The whole deal is sort of like a funny car shell. It is for looks only, and does nothing for structure.
You can do the same to ANY scooter out there (plastic ones anyway)
For all the front plastics/floor pan I used ZIP ties that are hidden around the shell 1/2's, and simply cut/replace them.
The end result is a UNI body design that is mainly held in place by the pet carrier/rear grab rail. The best part is you now have a seemless body that comes of in seconds, and can be painted or left stock
If you can find a custom car shop or fiberglass fabrication shop ( boats ) you can get a bike like a 500 "shelled" for under 400.00. A bike like a 50 agility perhaps 200.oo.
Materials are dirt cheap, and the only factor is labor.
If you are anywhere near North Fl., and are curious I will do yours for cost of materials alone, and show you a great little town to chill in for 3-4 days. Might cost ya 100.oo
I've been focusing on custom fiberglass fabrications, and wooden boat restorations. The scooter body would be advertising.
Check out some of the Umpteenth build thread for some Picts. I changed that body 8 panels, and 20 something screws/8 bolts/6 nuts into two panels, and 4 nuts/2 bolts/8 zip ties