Author Topic: Why America is destined for failure...  (Read 20659 times)


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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #90 on: October 27, 2014, 01:57:50 PM »
No, Hippies probably enjoyed it as they were/ are into free love********

******* Absolutely a bit of levity on my part. I'm sure there are one or two Hippies that are okay---maybe.

I'm not Catholic but I feel bad for the decent people and families that are. Read about the latest developments at the Vatican as they try to embrace everything homersexual. Sorry Homer Simpson for a joke at your expense because Moe didn't have enough sense to see he was being punked.

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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #91 on: October 27, 2014, 05:25:22 PM »
It simply devastates me to realize ALL of the most powerful organizations on earth are exactly the root cause of all the problems we have.

It illustrates that PEOPLE are no f'n good! When you give a person power, they turn into self serving monsters. No matter WHAT that position is.
It's always the same excuse too. "Well you have to balance the good w/ the bad". BULLsh**! Elimenate the bad... Some lawyer walks thru the door to announce the Vaccines are killing people... They keep vaccinating because they want to put up a front that they are doing something.
A priest gets caught, he should be HUNG IN THE STREET!
A politician can't keep his pants on while in office? Hang the MF'er simply because of the breach of trust.

I do believe in Capitol Punishment for MANY offenses. It is the ONLY deter-int for abhorrent behavior.
There in-lyes the root cause for the state America is in. NO CONSEQUENCES!

Yeah they will shoot a black man for whistling at a white woman, but their priest can torture scores of children, and get a new house in the country. Where by the way there is less access to proper judicial systems. If you really think about what we are as humans... It sucks!
We are murderous/raping/thieving/lie ing/self serving animals.
That alone explains why there is no Universal set of laws or Capitol punishment. The very people that instate such actions would also be the first to succumb to them.

This will NEVER get any better. Humanity is spiraling into it's own self destruction.
We CAN reverse this, and recover... but we wont. Capitol-ism has made certain that is the case.
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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #92 on: October 27, 2014, 07:26:19 PM »
"Yeah they will shoot a black man for whistling at a white woman"

Hardly. Maybe at a KKK potluck but no where else in many, many years. What I see, is many GOOD LOOKING white women on the arm of some black guy all the time: TV, movies, sports, etc-etc.

Let's you and I walk through Watts, Kansas City, St. Louis or Chicago in an African American neighborhood, whistle at black women and see what happens:) Just walk through their neighborhoods and see what happens.

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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #93 on: October 27, 2014, 08:01:17 PM »
That's my point Sam. Racism, and prejudice. It's really a basic human instinct. People tend to mis trust before trusting.
it is reflected in laws, religions everyday life.
People that look, act sound different are automatically treated differently by the majority of people.
Yes I do believe this goes back to the beginnings of man. for all the reasons we all understand. This goes to "learn from your mistakes or taking a lesson from history.

Lets say there is a Utopian society or sect of people that have it figured out. Eventually/inventively there is a fall out or collapse, and dis banding. How? why? Because "Human Nature" will eventually surface, and one or a group INSISTS there must be some sort of "change". Dis harmony, and corruption ensue. 

So it begs the questions... How do you isolate someone for their beliefs when we all have the same nature inside us?
Do you hang every person/group that threatens Utopia? Is that then really Utopia?
Do you break off into separate countries? Empires? Do you prepare "in case" that empire attempts to retaliate against yours? Do Utopians have armies?
Who is right? The winner?

I think I am describing human history. Have we not learned?
Apparently IMHO the only people that "take charge" are the ones w/ the most basic human nature. A willingness to further separate the people. Kennedy is attributed for doing the most to inter-grate the US, yet at the same time his administration did more to enhance the "Cold War" than any other.
Was he a Utopian or a monarch?

I get it. This is a scooter forum, and not many appreciate the subjects or thoughts I bring here. I'm with the nay sayers on that one. I wish I didn't have these notions in my mind.
At the same time, talking to the people that do care to discuss these issues has a calming effect. To know I am not alone in the fact that these bothersome subjects have a direct effect on my life is a relief.

I'm no Ostrich. I can not simply bury my head, and go on w/ no concern for what is happening all around us.
I know where my drive comes from. Watching MY family rape everything in their path, and then giving thanks to their Catholic God for their bounty. Since I was 7-8 I understood they were thanking the wrong God, unless God is how you spell Satin in their minds eye.
I am simply using metaphors. Concepts we are all familiar with.

Sooooo How bout' those Mets. Looks like they might win the series next year eh!
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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #95 on: October 28, 2014, 12:51:54 PM »
Fantastic and heart felt post Zombie. I for one appreciate that we can discuss more on this forum than the mostly boring and repetitive scooter stuff that's been discussed thousands of times.

If the forfeiture laws are directed at drug runners, criminals and RICO violators I say "Get em all!"

If the laws are used just as a money generating device for Law enforcement targeting innocent citizens, and not adhering to the: "innocent until proven guilty" norm then it is wrong!

In this country, at this time it's almost normal to be guilty until proven innocent and that's not the way it's supposed to be.

Eric Holder, Obummers sweetheart selectively prosecutes or doesn't prosecute according to his sociological agenda and he's supposedly the top LEO. They are both a real disgrace to this country and to the world. Impeach now!

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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #96 on: October 28, 2014, 06:12:53 PM »
Are you guys TRYING to push me over the edge... Keep em comin' 08 ::) ::) ::)    ;D

Quick story:
I set up my business in such a way I did NOT have to collect "sales" tax. I consulted w/ an agernt from Panama City IRS. The structure she recommended is this... Have my customers purchase their materials, ie: paint/glass resins/nuts bolts/spark plugs/radar, whatever.
I provide the labor, and labor is non taxable in Florida. Yearly I return $0.00 sales and use certificates.

This went on just fine for 8 years until I received a notice that I owe $43,000.00, for an ESTIMATED industry collected sales tax + penalties/fines/fees.
The sh** hit the fan... The NEW agent in charge of my reporting stated that any work done changing the appearance of a vessel IS taxable labor. The fur is flying now. I told them where my structure came from, and asked them to review the "recorded" conversations.
He informed me they do not keep recordings that old. We started a three way conference call w/ my original agent. She finally admitted to Mis informing me. I said "Done Deal, and hung up.
More letters in the mail...This time threatening my business/bank account.
I call/argue, state that they are guilty. I am not. I did what THEY told me to do. They stated that I had agreed to file Quarterly $0.00 returns, and not yearly. I said "Bullsh**". They said they had the recording from my original interview where I agreed to quarterly.
I went BALLISTIC! 2 hours later I was face to face w/ the lying scumbag in his office. The recording they said they had/didn't have/and now had again played out her entire statements of the business structure. I demanded a copy, they refused, I called the cops, they took my "New " agent to another part of the building, and another new agent said he would review the entire case, and contact me. That was more than a year ago. I have been receiving quarterly statements, and filing them at 0.00 because that is what I collect 0.00. Yet thru ALL of this... I am the one that has to prove my case.
If they attempt to escalate this I will be on the news, and made that point perfectly clear to them.
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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #97 on: October 28, 2014, 07:08:34 PM »
If it got to the news and into court the numbnuts IRS agent would just plead the 5th like the top IRS staff does.

Sorry for your trouble. The IRS is a criminal organization and non-accountable.

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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #98 on: October 28, 2014, 07:18:32 PM »
I 100% agree.

At one point I stated that if she was not fired I would be absolutely convinced , her "advice" was a set up. I further stated that if an employee of mine caused 43k in damages to one of my customers boats... he would not have top wait to be fired. But since thew error is in Your favor I am assuming she gets the "employee of the month" award.

The only thing I hate more than dirty Hippies, is a hypocritical liar. Bottom of the barrel.

Maybe I should define Hippies. Those brain dead parasites that never had a job, took every drug known to man, complained about EVERYTHING, yet never had a lucid thought on how to change ANYTHING, including their clothes. That was then... NOW they are all sucking up social security, and still doing drugs all day while the brain dead wife/gf works 10 hour days, 4 days a week to keep them in cigarettes, and Captain Morgan.

They get madicare to pay for their "pain pills", and visit the hospital 3 time a month cause "My ass hurts"

f*** THEM ALL TOO HELL!!! 55 years of parasitic bliss!  Ok... I hate Hippies as much as I do liars. Damn!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 07:28:20 PM by zombie »
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #99 on: October 29, 2014, 10:35:48 AM »
And to top it off IRS agents get to carry guns now.

"Z" man, just becareful with the IRS, they may deem it that you circumvented the system as a way of not paying taxes and defrauding the fed. govt.

I had a cousin that was in the recycling business for a time, he ran afoul of the IRS, he won every case they brought against him but they near bankrupted him in legal fees.

More to come.
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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #100 on: October 29, 2014, 02:52:49 PM »
A story taken from another forum:

Police State? Just got letter threatening Asset Forfeiture.

Long story short...same Tenant for five years without any complaints.

Get letter from Police reporting they have arrested two individuals from the property on Marijuana Second Degree and Possession of a Controlled Substance. Also, Illegal Possession of a Prescription.

The letter also says that if the Police returns to the property for any drug-related activity, legal action will be taken against me. This could result in an asset forfeiture of the property.

They further state complaints of illegal activity prompted the initial investigation.

My tenant says the two were in her driveway...not in the house and not their guests. I'm not saying they are telling the truth, but that's their story. Not saying that weed is not a bad thing - but to lose a house over it? When I'm not the one with the weed - did not even know the kids busted.

I have sent them notice to vacate and hopefully the police will not be back within the 30 day period (or longer if they chose to fight the move).

Every day I get more anti government. Now I have the Asset Forfeiture Law to deal with.
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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #101 on: October 29, 2014, 03:30:28 PM »
If someone rents a car from Hertz or Avis and is pulled over for some reason and arrested when found to be carrying a large amount of illicit drugs, do the rental agencies have their car forfeited??

It's the same thing about a house rental or lease: The owner really has no idea what could be happening there behind closed doors and shouldn't be liable unless being a party to the illegal act as a co-conspirator and thus actionable under RICO.

Same thing applies to some criminal renting a boat or airplane!

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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #102 on: October 29, 2014, 03:46:58 PM »
If someone rents a car from Hertz or Avis and is pulled over for some reason and arrested when found to be carrying a large amount of illicit drugs, do the rental agencies have their car forfeited??

It's the same thing about a house rental or lease: The owner really has no idea what could be happening there behind closed doors and shouldn't be liable unless being a party to the illegal act as a co-conspirator and thus actionable under RICO.

Same thing applies to some criminal renting a boat or airplane!


The idea behind this law is to protect the neighboors and neighborhood. If there is a drug den on my block I can call the PD and have the activity monitored, and arrests made, if the activity continues the home can be taken by the town and sold.

However there are hurdels that must be met and the land lord given the oportunity to make the situation right. You can't just take the property over for one arrest and a 2nd call to said property (as is being stated in this post/letter).

You could easily as a landlord have 1 tenant with a druged out child have an issue, then evict that family only to get another family or tenant that takes or deals drugs. It's a tough call making it the landlords job to know what the tenants are doing all the time, effectively making them a police agency.

On top of that it seems like in this case it will be easier for the police to take his home than it is tfor him to evict the drug users.
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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #103 on: November 19, 2014, 12:31:06 AM »
A few years ago a local fishing guide/Captain lost his charter licenser because a cleint had a bag of weed in his tackle box.
No-one smoked anything on the charter but in a "lawful" boarding/inspection by FWC the weed was found.

The guy had to sell his boat/business, and now works shucking oysters in East Point.

Point is making someone responsible for someone else NEVER works. It only amplifies the mis-trust.
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Re: Why America is destined for failure...
« Reply #104 on: November 30, 2014, 05:38:27 PM »
just found this:

“Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”  - Mark Twain
. mostly 2up city

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